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Global Settings


Global settings are general settings for all profiles in the OsmAnd application. These are the basic settings for the OsmAnd system and any changes made will affect the entire application.

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings

Profiles General Settings Android Profiles General Settings Android


This section contains the basic settings of OsmAnd, such as selecting a profile when the application loads, selecting the rendering engine and the folder where the data will be saved.

Default profile​

General Settings Default profile Android

OsmAnd uses the default profile, Browse map, as the first profile for new users, and if this profile has been selected by the user, it will be used each time the application is restarted. You can select any profile from the default list, including Last used and Browse map.

  • Last used. Allows you to select the profile that was used last.
  • Default profile. You select the profile to be used when starting OsmAnd. It can be changed in the application settings.

CarPlay profile​


This feature is available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ CarPlay profile

General Settings Default profile Android

The CarPlay profile is used when connected to your vehicle's CarPlay software and helps you make the most of the optimised version of the OsmAnd app by using the audio and video systems to display data on your phone.

Data storage folder​

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Data storage folder

Profiles Storage Settings Android

  1. Device memory shows how much free space is left on your device. Tap a field to access the Maps and Resources menu, where you can see detailed information about OsmAnd data and be able to manage it.

  2. In the Change storage folder, you can select a folder to save OsmAnd data on your device.

    • Internal app memory. Only OsmAnd app has access to its data and none of external apps.
    • Shared memory. No longer available.
    • External storage 1. Only 1 OsmAnd app has access and Admin apps and USB.
    • Multiuser storage. Only 1 OsmAnd app has access but it's shared between multiple Android users.
    • Manually specified. Depends on the path.
Android 12+ (change storage folder)

New storage access guidelines have been implemented in Android versions 11-12. These changes particularly affect the storage of maps on SD cards, resulting in significantly slower file access performance and stricter access limitations to SD card folders on Android 11 and 12. For how to solve this problem, see the Troubleshooting section.

Map rendering engine​

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Map rendering engine (Android only)

General Settings engine rendering Android

  • In the Android version of the app, you can switch between map rendering Version 1, originally implemented in the OsmAnd app, and Version 2, which uses the OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) programming interface for rendering two- and three-dimensional graphical objects.
  • The iOS version uses only OpenGL for map rendering.
FeaturesVersion 1Version 2 (OpenGl)
Cross-platformNot used in iOS version.Fits both versions.
GPU / CPU dependentRecommended for low-performance or outdated devices.Powerful rendering engine.
Only available for OsmAnd 4.3 and later versions, and in test mode for OsmAnd 4.2.
3D modeIt is possible to view the map in 2D, and you can change the viewing angle to get a 3D view.You can view the map in 2D and 3D.
Map displayThe whole map is rendered as a set of tiles, and markers, lines and text are already inside these tiles.First, the entire tile pack is rendered, and then the available symbols are applied to the map, layer by layer.
Transparent symbols overlay / underlaySupports all settings.Does not support raster layer on top of vector text.
3D TerrainNot supported.This feature visualises the terrain on the map by adding elevation information to a normal 2D map, which creates a 3D and depth effect.
3D TracksNot supported.This feature allows you to display tracks by altitude above sea level.
Online mapIt does not support the display of Π‘ontour lines if the map source is any online tile map.When the map source is an online map, 3D maps are also used, and the display of Π‘ontour lines on the map is supported.
Weather pluginYou cannot use this plugin.Convenient to use with the plugin.

The image for the 3D view of the map is loaded tile by tile, then all the symbols. The rendering speed of the map depends on the number of 2D and 3D graphical objects on it, and directly on the performance of your hardware. Therefore, Version 2 (OpenGL) cannot be used on low-performance devices.


Privacy and security​

OsmAnd allows you to choose whether to share your in-app activity and indentifiers (Android only) in the app, the ability to edit your history and use a proxy (Android only) of your choice.


For more information see OsmAnd Privacy and Security Policy


Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Analytics

General Settings Collected data Android

Analytics (Android) or Send anonymous data (iOS) setting allows you the choice whether or not to provide anonymous data about Downloaded Maps and Visited Screens (Android).


Data about your location or the places you view on the map is not collected.


⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Privacy and security β†’ Identifiers

UUID Android

A UUID (Unique User Identifier) is generated for each installation of the OsmAnd application and sent to the servers during map loading. A random UUID is used to download offline maps from OsmAnd servers to control rational use of server resources, predict traffic usage, and provide general monthly reports on map downloads. The UUID changes every 3 months.

Starting with OsmAnd version 4.3, you can disable the collection of user data when using the OsmAnd app. Then the UUID will not be sent with any download request.

You can read more information in the Terms of use (ToS).


Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ History

General Settings History Android General Settings History Android

The application records the history of previously entered data (history) in the following categories: Search, Navigation, Map markers. Using the switch on the appropriate tab, you can Enable / Disable logging for certain category of entries. You can also manage (view, delete, and share) previously recorded data.

  • Backup as file (Android) or Export (iOS) is used to make a backup file of your Search / Navigation / Map markers history.
  • Clear all history (Android) or Delete all history (iOS) is used to delete all history entries recorded untill now.

History options​

General Settings History Android

  • You can delete one or more items from the history list or share them as a file (to access these functions in iOS, tap Edit button).
  • To delete or export multiple records at once, select checkboxes next to the required records and then tap Export or Delete buttons.


⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Proxy

General Settings Proxy Android

Proxy setting allows you to configure an HTTP proxy for all network requests. You can set the Proxy Host and Proxy Port.


In this section of the OsmAnd settings, you can configure the notifications you receive, the location service, and how your application settings are saved.

Dialogs and notifications​

General Settings notifications Android

The Dialogs and notifications setting allows you to enable/disable pop-ups, dialogues, and notifications.

  • Start-up message includes promotions, quizzes, events, and more.
  • Do not show promotions (iOS) suppresses displaying app discount and special local event messages.
  • Download map dialog informs you that specific maps can be downloaded.

Location source​

OsmAnd provides you with a choice of services to determine your location. It is recommended that you read more information about Location permission and Troubleshooting for this section.


You can choose which Google Play or Android API services OsmAnd will use to determine your location. This can be useful for devices without Google Play services or in case of inaccurate location or altitude data when recording tracks.

OsmAnd receives data from the resources Google Fused Location Providers and Android GPS and Network Providers.
You can switch Location source in:
Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Location source.


⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

General Settings notifications Android

Android or OsmAnd Cloud can save your data and app settings.

By default, your OsmAnd settings and Favorites map markers are automatically backed up by the Android system. This allows you to restore them on new devices or after reinstalling the app. However, please note that the backup size is restricted to 25MB.

If you're use OsmAnd Cloud, it's recommended to deactivate this default backup option to prevent any confusion during reinstallation.

OsmAnd can warn you about speed cameras, but only if the laws in your country permit it.

Uninstall speed cameras​

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ OsmAnd settings β†’ Legal β†’ Uninstall speed cameras

General Settings Cameras Android General Settings Cameras Android

This setting allow you to activate or deactivate POIs with speed cameras. The OsmAnd application must be restarted to make changes.

In some countries or regions, using speed camera warning applications is illegal. You must make a choice depending on the laws in your country. Select Keep active, and you will receive speed camera alerts and notifications. Select Uninstall and all data related to speed cameras, such as warnings, notifications, and POIs, will be deleted until you completely reinstall OsmAnd.

Read about alerts for speed cameras on your route in the article Navigation widgets in the Alert widget section.

This article was last updated in February 2024